Sunday, April 13, 2008

2 Great Products

There are a couple of really great products I've found in the last month that I thought I'd share about.
The first one is Grapefruit Seed Extract. This stuff is awesome! Not only does it successfully eliminate thrush, but there are like 20 other things that you can do with it (i.e. all purpose cleaner, throat gargle, nail treatment ..... ). The brand is Nutribiotic and you can find it at any health food store.
The second product is Weleda Calendula Baby Cream. This stuff has worked wonders for Noah's eczema. It also works great for cuts or scratches (it healed Noah's scratches on his head within 2 days ..... I seriously clip his fingernails everyday!).
I am always stoked to find natural remedies (that work) instead of automatically taking medicine just because the doctor recommends it.


Skeem's said...

I will have to try that baby cream, Logan gets bad eczema on his legs poor thing and the steriod medication is always so expensive, so i will try it out, can you find it anywhere?? thanks for sharing:)
love ya, oh congrats to toni and eli

Anonymous said...

I think I pretty much understand what's being said here. But has anyone tried homeopathic HGH oral sprays? I understand most of the athletes are purchasing it, legally, online, at I know the pills are bogus because they don't contain any HGH. But what about the homeopathic sprays?