Monday, September 28, 2009

I'm ba-aack!

I'm back online so I hope to be able to keep up this blog a little better. I don't even know if anyone reads it anymore? Not that I'm a great blogger or anything... it's just fun to keep friends and family up on what's happening with us. When I get around to it, I'll be posting some pics of what we've been up to these last few months.


BETHANY said...

You're in my blog reader, so you can know I'm always reading, even if I don't comment. :)

The Banks said...

I do! I love your blog, you do such a great job!

Simone said...

I read it too! When the new posts come up in my blog reader, I check it out!!! Welcome back! :) Missed you!

Skeem's said...

Yay I am excited can't wait to see pics

AnnaMay said...

Keep blogging, I love to see and hear stories of your family.That is the reason I am coming for a visit. I miss seeing my Frechette family in Oregon, as well as missing God's Country. I also can't wait to meet your Mom. I will be arriving Oct 7th, I will be getting a hold of you once I am there. I have to call Joe and Arla, I think my first night I am heading for Newport. I will keep you informed and can't wait. Love you guys.... Aunt Anna