Monday, June 9, 2008

Our 7 year anniversary!

There are so many reasons why I love you Luke. You continually give of yourself without mention and you work hard to take care of Noah and I. You have a heart for God and a love for people. You love me without reservation! You bring constant joy to my life. You are my best friend and there is no one else in the world I'd rather be with. I love spending every moment with you! I'm so thankful that God brought us together.... you are my soul mate, brought together to bring Him glory as he fashions us to be more like Himself. I love being on this journey called life, right by your side! I'm excited to be with you every step of the way; through the hard times when our faith is tested and through the good times when blessings abound. I love you!!!! Happy 7th Anniversary!!!!


Skeem's said...

7 years how amazing. I love that picture. congradulations many more happy years to come. love you

Denise, Walt Bresg said...

Thats so special Crystal. What a blessing. I too am thankful for our Luke and the husband and father he is. Happy anniversary - We love you.

Burbs said...

What a nice tribute to a great man! We love you both & Noah too!!!!